by Perry Coty | Jun 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
I've spent many weekends on fishing boats, and the benefits of the best fishing rods are clear. You can't use any old rod. A fishing rod to an angler is like a rifle to a Marine, cherish it and make sure it's perfect for you.If you are only as good as your rod, then...
by Man-Certified | Nov 27, 2018 | Real Experiences, Self-improvement, Uncategorized
“Take this job and shove itI ain’t workin’ here no moreYou better not try to stand in my way‘Cause I’m walkin’ out the doorTake this job and shove itI ain’t workin’ here no more." — Lyrics from Take this Job and Shove It written by Johnny Paycheck and David Allen...
by Man-Certified | Nov 20, 2018 | Tips, Uncategorized
Buying your first home is a big deal.If you do it right, buying your first home may very well be one of the best investments you ever make.However, if you fall into mortgage traps such as buying more home than you can afford, you will live with that mistake for a long...