by MP Edit@rs | Jul 28, 2014 | Animals, Man News
In case you weren’t already aware of the fact; messing with bulls is dangerous. The Pamplona Bull Run in Spain and bull fighting events across the world show you that you risk a bull goring if you get too close to these tough guys. The Bottom Horning I have to admit...
by MP Edit@rs | Jul 26, 2014 | Man News, Travel
If you want to get an idea of how big and diverse the world is then you don’t need to look much further than the most fascinating tribal traditions on the planet. Bungee Jumping on Pentecost Island You really don’t want to be afraid of heights if you are born on...
by MP Edit@rs | Jul 8, 2014 | Did You Know, Man News, newsworthy
Have you ever spent a few days in your house without any contact with the outside world? If you have then maybe you will be able to begin to understand how these people felt. The Russian Recluses Who Missed WWII In 1978 a helicopter flying over Siberia spotted a...
by MP Edit@rs | Apr 28, 2014 | Man News
How many people over the world have been confused and amused by the strangest newspaper headlines ever written? Here are some of the best and most unusual of them. The Satan’s Skull Headline My favourite thing about this weird headline is the fact that “bible...
by MP Edit@rs | Feb 1, 2014 | Man News, newsworthy
The history of mankind is filled with many tragic and costly accidents but which ones were the worst ones? Here is a list of some of the most tragic accidents documented in history: The Chernobyl Disaster Back in 1986 an accident happened which would result in an...
by MP Edit@rs | Feb 14, 2012 | Man News, Man Stuff
Old pallets are used everywhere to transport items. What if you could get a couple of these pallets and use them to create items around your house? We’re going to do such a thing. Add some flare and make the environment a lot better by recycling old...