Writing and then sending a tweet doesn’t seem like a big deal, does it? However, if you make a mess of it then it could come back to haunt you, just like these worst tweets ever sent did.

The Fatty Cisco Paycheck

The Worst Tweets

Here’s a little old tip for anyone who gets offered a job that you might not be hugely thrilled about; don’t use social media to say that you would hate the job. This Twitter user couldn’t decide whether to take the fatty paycheck and handle the daily commute and “hating the work”. It all worked out well in the end when a Cisco employee replied asking who the hiring manager is. The original tweeter claimed she was being sarcastic and had already decided to turn the job down.  

The Gap Disaster

Worst Tweets

If you were in charge of the Gap Twitter account how would you react to a huge natural disaster such as a deadly hurricane? Well, you might see it a chance to plug your online shopping options. I’m almost certain that there would be no public backlash if you did that. 

The Cairo Uproar

The Worst Tweets

The Kenneth Cole Twitter account has a reputation for sending out controversial tweets. In this case, the escalating problems in the Middle East in 2011 made a great opportunity to publicise their spring collection.

The Fake Burger King Tweet

The Worst Tweets

I know that this picture of a guy taking drugs appears to be from McDonalds but it is really from Burger King.  It’s a long story but basically someone hacked the BK Twitter account and started sending out really inappropriate stuff. They claimed that it got sold to McDonalds and that staff took drugs. It was all lies but the bosses at Burger King sure learned to keep a tighter control on their social media accounts.  

The Intellectual Tweet

The Worst Tweets

It’s hard not to feel sorry for this guy. You see, Southside Vic is an enter lectual heavyweight who just can’t find a girl as intelligent as he is to share his deepest thoughts with.  

The Happy Birthday Tweet

The Worst Tweets

Romantic footballer Wayne Rooney sure knows how to treat a lady. The millionaire heart throb spared no expense and didn’t hold his emotions in his check as he splashed out on a beautiful birthday tweet to his wife. “Hope you have a nice day”, he said. She must have felt like the luckiest girl in the world when she opened up Twitter and read those poignant words.  

Another Sandy Tweet

The Worst Tweets

There is something about natural disasters that seems to bring out the worst in tweeters. Here, comedian Ricky Gervais has a cheap shot at the most immensely talented ladies in showbiz and manages to upset a lot of people at the same time.

The Marriage Tweet

The Worst Tweets Ever Sent

Damian Goddard is a guy I’d probably never have heard if he hadn’t tweeted about his”wholehearted support” for Todd Reynolds and “the TRUE meaning of marriage”. The sports presenter was fired.

The Tip Tweet

The Worst Tweets

Jane Adam is a TV star but she didn’t leave pay her bill or leave a tip for Jon-Barrett Ingels in a restaurant. The guy sent out a tweet and her agent paid the bill. Still no tip though, dude. He tweeted again, she gave him a $3 tip and complained to the management. He got fired. The wonders of social media work marvels again.