With spring and summer fast approaching it is time to start thinking about your yard and gardening tools replacing or repairing as necessary. Backyard tools can only work so well without having any type of maintenance; if your hose leaks you will waste water and money, etc. Here are a few tips on what you can do to ensure that your yard tools are in good working order.
Start with the lawnmower as it is one of the major yard tools and change the filter if you have not done so since last year; if it is a paper filter then replace it, otherwise you can take it out and clean it with soapy warm water. After disconnecting the spark plug turn it over on its side and clean out the old debris and grass, using a screwdriver or something similar for difficult clumps. You can also use the water hose to help spray it clean; using a disinfecting cleaner if your yard had any kind of a fungus.
Another one of the backyard tools to check is the gardening water hose, check it carefully for cracks and holes. If you only have a minor crack or hole you can choose to repair it using something like plumbing tape but check it often to be sure that it holds and doesn’t leak. If you use more than one hose then be sure to check the washers where the two connect together; you can pick up replacement washers at any hardware or home store.
Weed-eaters are also yard tools that come in very handy; the amount of area that you need to edge and the number of plants or trees that you need to get around has a lot to do with the type of weed-eater that you should get. Your local home store can offer valuable advice on which model to get as well as the pros and cons of gas or electric ones. Just be sure that the base guard and the handle are on securely before starting so that they do not fly off or slip while operating it.
Your supply of gardening backyard tools should also include some kind of hedge clippers; to ensure that the blades are sharp use heavy gauge grit sandpaper or take them to a shop to have them sharpened in order to keep your shrub lines clean.