white smile diet keep those teeth pearly white 1

Roshan P. Parikh, DDS MBA Olympia Fields, IL August 1, 2009

Roshan P. Parikh, DDS MBA Olympia Fields, IL August 1, 2009

Have you ever taken a bite into a juicy porterhouse and come up with a piece of tooth falling onto your plate?  Believe it or not, it is a very common thing that happens to men (sorry guys) far more often than it happens to women.  The reason: Men are more afraid of going to the dentist than women, so they go less often.  Because of that, problems that can be fixed with a conventional filling are not problems that involve a root canal and crown.

It will hit your wallet hard too, the difference between a conventional filling and a root canal and crown is over $1000, that’s over 150 6-packs of Miller Lite!  Rule of thumb: If you feel that a tooth in your mouth is more sensitive to hot or cold things, see your dentist.  If you feel that when you bite into that bag of Doritos, a tooth hurts and stays hurting, see your dentist.  If you don’t have a dentist, ask your wife and go see her dentist.

Moral of the story, go to see your dentist regularly.