There are many little home repair jobs like fixing a door that doesn’t close tightly, tightening a banister, repairing a hole or even a small remodel project that may be quite easy to do but are just simply annoying, which is where a handyman fits into the picture.
However, in this day and age finding a traditional handyman or what is commonly thought of as one can be difficult which is largely due to the shift of the worker to newer professions slowing diminishing their availability. It seemed like during the boom time of the 1980’s the only way you were going to get any kind of a professional company out for a small home repair like fixing the porch steps was to get a major remodel project done and make that little small repair a part of the bigger job; most contractors were so busy that they did not have time for the smaller jobs.
However, many people are under the misconception that hiring a handyman is always less expensive that hiring someone that is a licensed or certified professional plumber, electrician, carpenter or whatever specialists is needed. This is not true because as a general rule they make their living by charging a certain hourly rate and often times will have a minimum charge required just for showing up, they do this because you can imagine having to drive about a half an hour just to do a small home repair or remodel job taking about 20 to 25 minutes without having a minimum charge, well the cost of gas alone would put them out of business.
Before you hire a handyman to do those small home repair jobs walk through each of the rooms in your house making notes on what needs to be done and then do the same thing on the outside of the house and yard or whatever extra areas you may have. This is helpful so that you will be sure to have everything listed that you want done so that they can work consistently through the day, week or however long it takes; this cuts down on the amount of travel time (reducing the cost) that may have been needed if you were requesting only one repair or remodel at a time.