When you are trying to rush out the door or if you are planning on heading from the office to the club it is much easier to accomplish a pulled together look if you base your wardrobe on a theme. It also helps you present a coherent image to everyone else which is a help since we know that other people do form an opinion of you on the way you dress; deciding on your style is actually pretty easy.

Start by getting rid of anything you have that seems to best fit the personality and person that you were five years ago and then ask yourself a few questions about your current lifestyle. For instance if you are a stockbroker that works 18 hour days then your wardrobe needs will be vastly different from someone like a D.J.

Read on to find a few suggestions on how to find the perfect theme to help carry you from work to play.

If you find yourself drawn towards earth tones, pastels and whites then you probably fall into the preppy category; don’t worry this is really not a bad thing as “preps” usually portray themselves as stable and well rounded individuals. For this style you need items such as oxford shirts, pressed khaki pants, blazers, argyle sweaters and polo shirts to pull of the complete look.

While a more classic style does overlap some with the preppy look the classic tends to lean towards a more French traditional style of dress. So if you tend to favor black, white, navy, gray and camel you will probably be best suited for this look and to help pull it off you will need items like immaculately cut suits, silk ties, white dress shirts, scarves, wool coats that are knee length and cashmere sweaters in your wardrobe.

You may be consider trendsetters if you live, eat and breathe fashion and tend to be sure to keep up with the latest labels and are not afraid to take a few risks when it comes to fashion. The trendsetter tends to change their look a lot constantly reinventing themselves; while this is not the easiest theme to perfect it can be done. As far as any particular pieces to keep in your wardrobe just look for anything that you think is about to be big.

Do not worry about it if your style seems to fall into more than one category as that is exactly what makes you unique; however, if your style seems to be all over the place and you have got several items from different categories that could be a sign that you have a difficult time putting outfits together. When you define your own style it makes it easier to shop and easier to get out the door and on with your life.