It happens to everyone. You are in a restaurant or in the car, trying to read a map or any other number of scenarios and of course you can’t find your glasses. Well, then you should definitely check out CliC glasses and see just what all the fuss is about over this amazing eyewear.

CliC glasses hang around your neck on a very comfortable and springy band (no more of those “granny” chains hanging around your neck) and have a front magnetic closure so that you just grab them, bring them together across the bridge of your nose and “clic” them into place; you will never again have to fumble around for your reading glasses. They are also available in sunglass form so you can easily and comfortably read while sitting at the beach, pool, or marking your scorecard out on the golf course.

For those with a really active lifestyle they also come as goggles. The patented magnets that are used in CliC’s stay together even up to 130 mph, which should be enough for any sport that you participate in.

These readers come in six different magnification powers so that you are sure to find what you need. The frames come in several colors including transparent for those that prefer it. They are fashionable, unisex, and are one size fits all. Go check them out, buy a pair and then wonder how you ever got along without them.