The APA (American Poolplayers Association) was originally called The National Pool league and was the brain child of two professional players Larry Hubbart and Terry Bell; founded in 1979 the name was changed to the APA in 1981 and hosts both an 8-Ball and 9-Ball league system.

The culmination of the weekly league is the National Team Championships that are held at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year the tournament goes from August 19th through August 28th with the following schedule:

August 19th – August 22nd is the Ladies 8-Ball event that has a first prize of $10,000.00.

August 19th – August 23rd is the Open 9-Ball tournament that is available to any combination of women and men with first prize being $15,000.00.

August 22nd – August 28th is the Open 8-Ball championship that is open to all men and women with a first prize of $25,000.00.

All competitions are played on a 3.5’ x 7’ table and a single elimination format is used which allows everyone the chance to play at least two times before they can be eliminated.

And for all of you interested in the sport but not quite up to the professional level you may be interested in the US Amateur Championship to be held from November 5th through November 7th in Tampa, Florida. It has been said that those participating in this even can expect to experience one of the highest levels of amateur playing in the U.S. Their schedule is as follows:

Men’s championship November 5th through 7th

Women’s championship November 6th and 7th

Each winner receives a trophy, event jacket and a free year membership in the APA and an invitation to defend their title next year.

So, no matter what your preference you are sure to find a great tournament to either watch or participate in.