3 Ways To Fail

Most of us have been “overserved” a time or two.  We go home, sleep it off, and wake up in the morning regretting most of it.  The guys you’re about to see in the following video might just regret things a bit more than we do, however. ...

Why Women Stay Single

Guys, does this video describe you perfectly?  We saw it and couldn’t stop laughing (probably because it describes us perfectly.)  Let us know what you think in the comments below.
The Last 200 Years

The Last 200 Years

You think you’re pretty well caught up on your history?  You better get back to school, because there are things that have happened, even in the past 200 years, that even we didn’t realize.  Better yet, skip the classroom and check out this cool video we...
A Better Way To Pour A Beer

A Better Way To Pour A Beer

OK, my degree isn’t in quantum physics or anything even close TO quantum physics.  So don’t ask us how this works, because frankly, we’re just as stumped as you are.  Apparently somebody has their degree in beer sciences however, because they came up...

The 200-Yard Gong Shot

Everybody knows that precision and accuracy are pivotal out on the golf course.  However, if you can turn it into a bit of a game with a few of your pals, then it becomes quite fun.  Watch these pros do just that, and try to skip a golf ball off of a flowing...

The Dad Life

What dad doesn’t wish that he could get a little “props” for the things he does?  Well, these dad’s did.  Rollin’ through Suburbia in your minivan never seemed so cool.