For a little under ten million dollars ($9.9 million to be exact) the Washington Nationals finally got the number one overall pick, Bryce Harper. This makes him one of the best paid minor leaguers in baseball history and puts him well on his way to the major leagues; although it may be a while before he is seen in Washington since he is still 17 years old.

It came down to the actual last seconds before the deadline to sign up drafted players and the General Manager, Mike Rizzo, along with the president of the Nationals, Stan Kasten, really thought the deal was going to fall through. Finally right before the midnight cut-off everything seemed to come together.

Since he only has experience in junior college it is likely that he will go to the Nationals instructional league during the rest of the season and will then start spring training with the team next season.

His arm has been described as a cannon and he is being considered for the outfield, possibly in right field; so all base runners need to be watchful. Although a catcher at heart many feel that he does not have all of the mechanics down to be behind the plate; but he can without a doubt play the outfield, third base and even pitch.

While still in his developing teen years he has already shown a great deal of skill and the world of baseball will be undoubtedly watching Harper and his journey through his career choice. Playing in MLB will help to not only advance his skills but will also increase his public appeal; despite his age he just may be the next big name in baseball.