If you have ever taken the time to look down at the roads you drive on you might have discovered that road markings aren’t always as perfect as you might have imagined. Here are some of the most hilarious road marking mistakes around.

The Keep Clear Mistake

Hilarious Road Marking Mistakes

Let’s take a trip down Fantasy Lane for a a second and imagine that you are about to start a new job as a road marking operative. It feels pretty darned exciting, doesn’t it? Hang on though; what if you aren’t all that sure about your spelling skills? May I humbly suggest that the two words any right thinking person would look up on the dictionary in this situation are KEEP and bloody CLEAR.

Another Keep Clear Mistake

Funny Road Marking Mistakes

Who would have thought that there was more than one way to spell this simple phrase wrong? For some reason, KEEP CLEAR pops up time and again on the most common road marking mistakes.

The Wobbly Line Mistake

Hilarious Road Marking Mistakes

What the Hell happened here? It looks like the guy marking the lines took a swig from his bottle of whisky while he was on the job. What I can’t work out is what went through his mind once he saw the utter disaster he had made of this one simple job. Did he think; Shucks, no one will even notice? Did he think, one day some cool dude will write an article about funny road marking mistakes and I’ll be famous?

The Cycle Lane Disaster

Silly Road Marking Mistakes

Does anyone else think that the person who painted this cycle lane really doens’t like cyclists all that much? After all, he or she decided that cyclists had to start their adventures from behind an advertising board. Alternatively, the person who marked the road thought they were doing cyclists a good turn by giving them a valuable extra 2 metres of cycle lane.

The O Sign

Hilarious Road Marking Mistakes

This is actually a stunningly clever way of getting drivers to respect the speed limit. Many drivers just ignore conventional, boring SLOW road markings. However, if you are tearing along the road and see a random O sitting there you’re going to slow down for a look, aren’t you? It seems as though one narrow section of the road was repaired and re-painted ,while the rest was left to rot.

Another Cycling Lane Disaster

Funny Road Marking Mistakes

Those poor cyclists are on the receiving end of some bad road marking mistakes again here. Just as they are pedalling away and working up a sweat this bizarre road marking directs them into a little area which seems to have created solely for this purpose. What can it all mean?

The Tiny Yellow Lines

Hilarious Road Signs

There are more contenders for the titles of the smallest double yellow lines in the UK than you might think. This road marking means that you can’t park in that area where they are painted but who would park there anyway?

More Tiny Double Yellow Lines

Funny Road Marking Mistakes

At just 18 inches long, these strange double yellow lines are just as bad as the last ones we looked at. What type of car could you park there?

The Fuzzy Lines

Funny Road Markings

Even if you hadn’t touched a drop of the hard stuff you would still feel drunk after seeing these horribly fuzzy road markings.