There are some sports which are incredibly popular throughout the world and which are played or watched by millions or even billions of people. Then there are the incredibly weird sports which most of us have never even heard of.

Chess Boxing

Weird Sports and Chess Boxing

This is probably the best and strangest sport which anything with a reckless mind and a few gins in them could ever invent. Basically, chess boxing is a cross between the famous game of strategy and, let’s be honest here, thumping someone in the face. The only problem I can see with this game is that after a gruelling round of boxing one of your teeth might fall onto the board and be mistaken for a pawn.

Wife Carrying

Weird Sports and Wife Carrying

The Finnish clearly have too much time on their hands. When they aren’t mucking about in saunas and riding reindeers they find nothing better to do with their leisure time than carry their wives over obstacle courses. The good news for bachelors and cheating spouses is that it doesn’t have to be your legal wife or anything. As long as it is a man and a woman partnership you can pick her up and wheeze away.


Weird Sports and Kabaddi

I only know about this sport because I led a sad and lonely life as a child. On Saturday mornings the cool kids were all out playing and making friends. I, on the other hand, was in my bed watching a weekly programme about weird sports from around the world. Kabaddi is mainly played in South Asia and seems to involve a group of men chasing each other around a small playing area while holding their breath.

Sepak Takraw

Weird Sports and Sepak Takraw

We might as well stay in Asia for our next bout of sporting lunacy. It is kind of like volleyball. It is kind of like kicking a ball about. It looks a lot like a particularly silly martial art. Even the ball is weird, being made of dried palm leaves.

Toe Wrestling

Weird Sports and Toe Curling

Some people go through their whole lives without even realising that they have exceptionally talented toes. If you have ever wondered whether you have international class toes then toe wrestling could be the bizarre sport for you. There is even a world championship to aim for, although you might want a nice pedicure before you take part in that.

Cheese Rolling

Weird Sports and Cheese Rolling

Cheese is great. It tastes good on sandwiches, on pizzas and in a whole lot of other types of food. However, its sporting capabilities are sadly underexploited. Thank goodness for the Copper’s Hill Cheese Rolling event in the England then. Here, the cheese is the star, as a pack of mentally unhinged runners chase it down a steep hill.

Underwater Hockey

Weird Sports and Underwater Hockey

The person who invented underwater hockey was so sure that it was a ridiculous pastime that he even called it Octopush, just to make sure that no one took it seriously. It is kind of like ice hockey but with the serious risk of drowning involved to spice it up.


Weird Sports and Buzkashi

The use of dead goats in the sporting world is something which will hopefully catch on in the future. In this strange sport from Central Asia the competitors play a type of polo game but with a carcass instead of a ball. The winner is the person who gets the deceased creature over the goal line.

Tuna Throwing

Weird Sports and Tuna Throwing

The aerodynamic qualities of tuna fish have been known to the astute Australians for a long time now. The record throw is of an impressive 122 feet and the main place to see this silly sport is in Port Lincoln, during the riveting Tunarama festival.

Egg Throwing

Weird Sports and Egg Throwing

If throwing tuna sounds too stupid for you then what about egg throwing? This is popular in the UK and involves two players at a time; one who throws it and one who, that’s right, gets the potentially messy job of catching the hurled egg without getting covered in yolk.