Being a homeowner can be a difficult role to assume due to all responsibilities this can entail.

Since homeowners no longer rely on landlords to manage the various aspects of the property, this task ultimately falls on them most of the time.

In order to keep your home in the best shape possible, it’s critical to have some basic tools in your arsenal. These will empower you in certain circumstances and allow you to provide the best home for yourself and whoever lives with you.

In this article, we discuss 6 must have tools that every homeowner should own. It’s important to note that we selected many unique tools that most homeowners will likely not expect.

To balance this out, we also selected some traditional tools that will appeal to more old-fashioned homeowners. Towards the end of the article, we offer our final thoughts on the future of must have tools.

An Outdoor Compost Bin for Storing Food Scraps

Composting the food scraps that remain after you finish eating is an important part of not only maintaining your house’s integrity but also the health of the planet.

When food is not composted, it’s usually put in the trashcan. The smells stemming from this rotting food can disturb your home and make it an undesirable place to live.

Furthermore, food that is put in trashcans can develop mold in a short period of time, especially during the warmer summer months. Even though it might not be visible, this mold can actually spread to various parts of your house without you even knowing. Ultimately, this could impact the air quality of your home as well as your own health.

compost pile and garden

In this sense, a compost bin will encourage you to actually store your food scraps outside where they can break down and provide material for future soil. If you have access to a garden, you can even use this compost to nourish your plants.

Most importantly, throwing food away instead of composting it can lead to increased trash reserves which are usually thrown on large piles at landfills. Some of these piles sit there for a long period of time, which is effectively the same as littering. Other times, this trash is burned, releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

All of this is to say that an outdoor compost system is one of the most valuable must have tools for any homeowner.

These can be easily made on your own.

In fact, there are many online websites that offer DIY guides for homeowners interested in concocting their own compost system.  

A Room for Meditation and Relaxation

Just because a tool doesn’t fit in the palm of your hand doesn’t mean it’s not a tool.

Rooms are one of the most valuable tools for any homeowner, as these spaces are like universes which offer inhabitants a unique architectural experience.

Many homeowners forget to sculpt the rooms in their house in order to match their desires. This can lead to a home replete with repetitive rooms that are colorless, tasteless, and uninspiring. Yet, given that we at least spend 1/3rd of our time in our home, focusing on creating intentional spaces throughout your living area is an important part of overall health.

One of the most important rooms to manifest in a house is a room for meditation and relaxation.

This space will allow you to seek refuge in times of stress, which are quite common in today’s world. We recommend filling this room with plenty of comfortable materials like pillows, blankets, and mats.

Generally, we don’t recommend lots of furniture for these spaces, as we think this can make the room feel confining and crowded. In these spaces, you want to feel as free, inspired, and open as possible in order to allow all of your anxieties to flow out of your mind.

two women meditating

A cramped space can engender a cramped consciousness, which is a precursor for mental illness.

Many spiritual or religious homeowners like to decorate these rooms with shrines that commemorate the ideas and figures they follow.

Yet, you don’t have to be spiritual or religious to intentionally sculpt this space. Many people who are totally ignorant of spiritual or religious ideas are still drawn to decorating these rooms in deeply personal and commemorative way.

This might include various rocks with energies that match the energies of the homeowner. Alternatively, this might simply be a bunch of plants and a bookcase full of books.

In whatever way you end up adorning this room, make sure that occupying the space makes you feel relaxed and carefree. This will allow you to meditate easily, as there will be less obstacles to detaching from the ego.

Simple breath work can be easily followed in these kinds of spaces, as they often lack the distractions of more cluttered rooms likes kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms. 

A Device Featuring a Digital Personal Assistant

Many companies are now producing devices that feature a digital personal assistant capable of responding to voice-activated commands.

For example, Amazon manufactures the Echo Dot, Microsoft manufactures the Harman Kardon Invoke , Apple manufactures the HomePod and Google manufactures Google Assistant.

These are just some of the most popular products on the market, as many other companies produce similar devices.


We think this will continue to be the case in the future, making this one of the most critical must have tools for any homeowner. Owning this tool will prepare you for the future of technology and prevent your life from being so antiquated.

We think the future is going to be full of voice-activated commands and artificial intelligence. Thus, it’s more important than ever to start breaking down our old methods of behaving and become accustomed to interacting daily with a robot.

Some of these smart devices work better than others, so we recommend doing considerable research before purchasing one.

Apple’s HomePod is one of the most cutting-edge and responsive devices available yet it costs $$. On the other hand, Amazon’s Echo Dot only costs $ but is notorious for botching some voice-activated commands.

At the end of the day, you should expect this must-have tool to malfunction occasionally.

This technology is still very new and will take many years to properly perfect. Still, it’s important to get a head start on integrating this technology into your life, as this will make thriving in the future much less stressful and overwhelming. This will be especially important if the future entails drastic changes in technology.

A Trusty, Reliable Hammer

Regardless of how fast technology is developing, we don’t think a hammer will become obsolete anytime soon. As long as houses are made of nails and various materials, a hammer will be necessary to iron out any protrusions or anomalies during your period of ownership.

Hammers are also must have tools for any artist, as hanging up art on the walls of your house is difficult without hammering in a nail first. Of course, it can be done, but using a nail and hammer is one of the traditionally easiest ways of hanging up art.

Hammers can also be used as a form of self-defense if your home is ever compromised by criminal activity. While this is obviously never an anticipated event, break-in’s do happen on occasion and it’s important to be empowered with various defense mechanisms.

Considering how dangerous guns are, hammers are a much safer way of protecting yourself. While they might not be as effective as a bullet, sleeping with a hammer next to your bed will at least dissolve some of your fears.

Lastly, while it might be difficult to anticipate now, hammers can be used in many unexpected situations when a combination of force and durability is needed.

For example, some people use hammers instead of machetes to open coconuts. Users simply have to hit the coconut in several locations around its surface in order to access its succulent water and delicious meat.

A Trusty Tape Measure

This is another classic must-have tool for any modern homeowner.

Tape measures are ideal for measuring any part of your home. This could be necessary if you were considering purchasing a new appliance or piece of furniture, basically anything that must have precise dimensions.

Using a tape measure will allow you to accurately measure the space available and prevent you from purchasing the wrong product that doesn’t dovetail well in the space provided.

A list of some of the best tape measures available can be found on this website.

tape measure
  1. It’s also important to note that digital tape measures are now available that take advantage of the technology of many smart phones and tablets. For example, anyone who uses Apple products can download the Tape Measure application from the App Store. This application uses the power of augmented reality to give users a tape measure that fits in their pocket.

These digital tape measures represent the future of tape measures. Most customers will certainly appreciate this trend, as many of these digital tape measures are offered by free. In this sense, you should have no excuse for not having a tape measure in the future.

Art, Art, and More Art

Lastly, all homeowners need to have access to art in their home. This is useful as a way of unconsciously influencing your mind when you spend time in your home.

For homeowners that rarely interact with their unconscious, possessing art can be an easy way of bypassing the fears of their ego. Art can allow homeowners to integrate deep ideas that they would otherwise run from due to the changes they entail.

Art can also be used to minimize any stress and anxiety that we might feel.

women painting

Some art is so provocative that thinking about anything else while experiencing it is almost impossible. This kind of art is perfect for homeowners who have a hard time avoiding certain unpleasant thoughts, as simply being in its presence is enough to weed out some superficial thoughts that might be disturbing your peace of mind.

If any old thoughts are still left over after viewing this kind of art, they are likely important and require some kind of response.

Additionally, homeowners should consider purchasing art supplies in addition to finished art. Making art can be a great way of gaining perspective on some issue you’ve been struggling with.

Creating art in group settings can be an especially effective way of getting members of the group to bond with each other and open up. It’s difficult to be self-conscious when creating art, and self-consciousness can often disturb the spontaneity of social interactions.

In this sense, prioritizing art as a must-have tool for your house will allow you minimize stress and get more creative. That’s a combination that most homeowners will crave, especially in our chaotic modern society.

Our Final Thoughts on the Future of Must have Tools

man holding tool smiling

We think the must have tools for homeowners have changed greatly over the years and will continue to do so in the future.

As technology develops, we think future must have tools will likely be robots that respond to our commands. We can also envision future tools being more software-based, as acquiring a new tool might entail simply updating your robots operating system.

Additionally, we think there will be strict standards in the future that govern the materials used to make tools. This is already the case with some tools due to the EPA’s Energy Efficiency rating. However, not all tools are required to abide by these standards yet. Instead, these standards are often used as a marketing tactic by some companies who are targeting environmental conscious customers.

We think all tools in the future will be environmentally friendly, allowing society to live in peace and harmony with the planet.  Eventually, we think future tools will be less work-based and more play-based. We can envision a future that is so carefree and utopian that no tool is a must-have, as the only tools that are really necessary for happiness will be family and love.

Last update on 2022-04-30 at 14:04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API