No matter where you fall in the political spectrum, it is a tense time. Everyone is fighting and no one is listening. We all get on our high horses and stress about the political opposition. The media stokes a climate of name-calling and sensationalism, and the future of the country hangs in the balance.

What can we do? Well, we can vote, and campaign for the people we believe in, but the true change starts on a much smaller level. How can we behave in a way that does not push forward the tense propaganda?

How can we set an example for our children this election season?


First things first, no one has the right these days to act ignorantly. The internet, newspapers and many other sources allow us access to facts we did not have fifty years ago. Yes, there are slanted sites and many media outlets with agendas – but seek out the truly unbiased sites. Read facts from both sides of the aisles, and start to see the spin from the fact. Also, check out how other countries report American news. They have less at stake and are more apt to report simple facts.


Misogyny and racism will never go away, but you have the choice to support it or not. If you do not like a candidate for a reason, it should not be because of their gender, race or background. Provide real, factual reasons why you do not support someone. Avoid hateful talk, childlike jokes and do not rationalize these things as “simple fun”.

shutterstock_417515725DO NOT TOLERATE THE INTOLERANT

Support who you want because they are the best person for the job. Not because they are the best person for your subset of people. Do not tolerate any intolerance from people who support your adversary or your candidate.


Develop an understanding of the spin politicians (ALL POLITICIANS) and the media (MOST MEDIA) use to push their own agenda forward. As this skill grows, you will be able to watch all media outlets and see fact from spin.


Social media can be a wonderful thing, but it is not the place for political discourse. No matter who passionate you feel, you will not change anyone’s mind my having a lengthy Facebook conversation or a tweet war. Know when to engage and you will be heard with more acuteness.


Stop. Really listen to what the person you are speaking to is saying. Understand their perspective, then respond. As frustrating and outright wrong as you might find them, talking over or ignoring their points will not help them or you. As a matter of fact, use this tip outside of election season too.

Happy Election! Let’s commit to being civil.