Forget about your regular smoke which have lost you your lung’s virginity when you were just a teenage boy. Think of something bolder, stronger and sexier. More grown-up and virile. I’m talking about cigars.

Laugh, Smoke and Become a Gentleman

Smoking a cigar is the ultimate alpha male sophistication. However, if the world of cigars still appears hazy to you, clear the air before making that first puff by listening to what Fernando, the Cigar Genius has to say about this suave hobby in his funny video – Fernando’s Philosophies on Cigars.

Fernando’s Flair for Testing the Quality of Cigar

Cigar Tips and Funny VideoFernando says that most cigar connoisseurs limit their discernment of the quality of cigar by using their sense of taste only. But not him. He uses not just his sense of taste, but his multi-sensory brilliance to do this. What exactly this is, you will find out by watching his hilarious video. It will definitely give you a good laugh and help you pick a good smoke.

Fernando’s Bold Cigar Quotes

In Fernando’s video, you do not just become adept at discerning the quality of a cigar, you also learn some of his refined philosophies about life and cigars. I can’t help but list some of them here:

Cigar Tips and Funny Video“You can’t spell pleasure without leisure.”

 “I hand roll all my cigars by hand.”

“It’s not the size of the cigar that matters; it’s where you stick it.”

“Nothing complements a cigar like a cold glass of orange juice.”

“After sex, Fernando smokes cigar; during sex, the women smoke Fernando.”

“Last year, I gave $10,000 to Charity . . . and she is my favorite stripper.”

 Again, get into the smoke-filled mind of Fernando, the Cigar Genius, and hear him puff out his funny cigar tips and life’s wisdom by checking out his hilarious video.


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